A. Lin Goodwin-Opening Statement

From: edequity@phoenix.edc.org
Date: Wed Mar 01 2000 - 10:13:15 EST

  • Next message: edequity@phoenix.edc.org: "Joan O. Dawson-Opening Statement"

    There is much evidence to support the fact that assessment, defined
    primarily as standardized testing since the early 1900s, has had a
    number of deletrious effects on schools, on instruction, and
    particularly on children who are poor or who are members of dominated
    groups. Indeed it has been well documented that standardized tests assess
    low-level, decontextualized facts; are often used as the sole measure of
    achievement and capability, despite the fact that they provide a
    fragmented picture of the learner; and frequently drive curriculum and
    instruction, particularly in poor and low-achieving districts, so that
    children who need the most enriched instruction are subjected to
    meaningless drill designed solely to improve their tests scores.

    When assessments are used as sorting and categorizing devices, they
    invariably short-change children of color and poor children who, too
    often, end up being funneled into lower or non-academic tracks where
    they are more likely to received a watered-down, concept-poor curriculum.
    Invariably, standardized assessment practices have placed poor children
    and children of color in a cycle of frustration and failure. Interrupting
    this cycle requires assessments that can more fully and accurately reveal
    all that children do know. Assessment ought to be defined as a tool for
    child-centered instruction so that the needs of each student can be
    defined and addressed. Assessment should be used to build communities of
    learners rather than to separate children into isolated ability groups.
    Ultimately, when assessment and equity are inextricably entwined,
    children are included rather than excluded.

    A. Lin Goodwin

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