Re: Title IX softball case

Date: Mon Apr 24 2000 - 16:24:34 EDT

  • Next message: "RE: Title IX"

    Rather than take up space here, I suggest that those interested in the
    Brown and Neal cases read the pleadings - and the decisons themselves. As
    to Mary O'Shea's comment, how many generations of students do we wait to
    bring equity into the pictue? Mary is merely answering the old argument
    that more time is needed. The Title IX regs in question were effective in
    the 1970's. For heaven's sake, it's 2000. That old argument reminds me
    of the Brown v. Topeka Board of Ed case where the justices required that
    the school district proceed with "all due speed." We all know how that
    turned out... Further, these cases are 14th Amendment equal opportunity
    cases and go beyonf Title IX and into Constitutional law. Read them,
    Amber, with that "set" and you will see what is really at stake. I repeat-
    What is good for the goose is good for the gander. As to pointing out
    where girls have been denied opportunities, I can easily cite examples from
    my state. The schools, when challenged, did the right thing, but it took
    the threat of legal action to get them to move. That's a sad state of
    events. Why drive folks to court to assert their rights? In case after
    case here, the school administrators have said that, although painful, they
    were glad that the cases were brought because it made them do the right
    thing. It's almost as if Title IX is being used as an excuse by schools to
    do what they should have done all along and did not have the political
    courage to do it themselves. Peggy Weeks <>

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