USA-Title IX

From: Linda Purrington (
Date: Thu Apr 27 2000 - 10:43:18 EDT

  • Next message: "Re: Title IX survey and analysis"

    Hi, YGUEYE, and welcome!
    Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 is the U.S. law that says
    no educational institution that receives federal funds may discriminate
    against either teachers or students on the basis of sex. Most U.S.
    states have similar laws in place governing their education codes. The
    United States does not have an amendment to the Constitution forbidding
    discrimination on the basis of sex (the Fourteenth Amendment forbids
    discrimination on the basis of race). Because court cases in the nited
    States must hark back to the Constitution in making decisions, court
    decisions are thus made conservative, because of course, at the time of
    the Constitution's writing, only white, male, landowners were considered
    citizens of the "free democracy." What is the situation for you in Cote
    Linda Purrington
    Title IX Advocates

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