Female Principle

From: Jennifer McMahon (jennym@education.canberra.edu.au)
Date: Tue May 25 1999 - 09:12:00 EDT

The Female Principle: Eclipses and Re-Emergences
>UTA Conference on the Suppressions and Reassertions of The Female
>Principle in Human Cultures.
>University of Texas at Arlington, March 30-April 1, 2000.
>This conference recognizes the suppression of femaleness as a
>primary meaning of Western and other cultures over a long period.
>It seeks to identify, document, account for, and interpret this
>suppression via the specific forms it takes from early periods to
>the present, and to identify and describe newly developing
>practices that counter it.
>Proposals from all fields of the humanities and social sciences
>are welcome. Papers may deal with suppressions exclusively (and
>the concealments of suppression), or with re-emergences, or both,
>and may draw on the following as a possible framework: Bearing a
>positive social value in an advanced Asian society as late as the
>seventh century, the female principle sinks into general anathema
>in the West by the time of classical civilization, and into near
>oblivion by the time of the early church. There it remains, under
>powerful forms of social repression, into the twentieth century. Then, via
>numerous separate discourses, pluralist thought creates a climate
>of opinion in which femaleness can re-emerge in literary,
>philosophical, religious, and other languages under a positive sign.
>Papers may be historical and/or interpretive accounts of specific
>forms of suppression (and concealments of suppression) in
>discourses and social practices worldwide.
>Proposal Deadline: Sept. 20, 1999.
>For Submission Information see
or Contact: Luanne Frank, lfrank@uta.edu

Dr.Jennifer McMahon
Division of Communication & Education
Building 5
University of Canberra
ACT 2601, Australia
Ph: work 61 (0) 2 6201 2491
Fax: 61 (0) 2 6201 2263

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