Professional Development Web Site

Date: Fri Jun 04 1999 - 10:11:28 EDT

ENC's New Web Site on Professional Development

The Eisenhower National Clearinghouse for Mathematics and Science
Education has recently released a new web site, Teacher Change:
Improving K-12 Mathematics. The project was designed for local, state,
regional, and national leaders who are working with teachers on the
challenging task of improving K-12 mathematics teaching and learning.

The web site offers professional development workshop activities, full
text journal articles about teacher change, teacher narratives, and an
overview of school change written by international authorities Michael
Fullan and Andy Hargreaves.

In addition, reports and publications from the Third International
Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) have been integrated throughout
this project, since examination of this data has been so productive in
the dialog about school improvement.

The professional development activities, created by the Math and
Science Consortium at the North Central Regional Educational Laboratory
(NCREL), provide facilitator notes, handouts, and PowerPoint

As Michael Fullan and Andy Hargreaves suggest in their article "Teacher
Change," which is included on this site, successful teacher and
classroom change is possible only when there exists an atmosphere of
interactive professionalism for teachers. This professionalism requires
collaboration, reflection, continuous improvement, and greater mastery
as well as satisfaction in teaching. This project supports those ideas
and provides a wide variety of materials designed to help teachers as
they implement change.

Visit to view this exciting new online resource.

Forwarded from ra-equity, Susan Carter,

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