Re: Equalizing Advantage

Date: Tue Feb 22 2000 - 11:26:00 EST

  • Next message: "Athletics' Equity in Georgia"

    There may be areas in which women have an advantage but I do not know of
    any in which the advantage is unfair. Examples of this are heads of
    nursery schools and child day care facilities.

    Even in fields which the personnel are predominantly female such as
    libraries and departments of nursing, there is a disproportionate number of
    males in the top positions, and this is not due to a lack of so-called
    "qualfied women".

    In society in general, women are disadvantaged in the judicial system by
    the over whelming number of reactionary judges at present due to 12 years
    of Ronald Reagan plus George Walker Bush. I dont mean the Supreme Court
    because not many cases get there; most are decided in the lower courts
    where women cannot afford as expensive legal representation as men.

    Title IX which has done some good, is not uniformly well enforced, and
    where it is not, for all practical purposes it does not exist.

    You may intend to be "fair" to men, but your arguments lack validity and
    authenticity which is the definition of spurious, and therefore harmful to

    I am retired (now 81 years old) and I have seen much improvement since the
    days when men could legally say and even write to me that they did not hire
    women no matter how good their records were: this was not illegal in 1950
    when I finished my post-doctoral year at the University of Pennsylvania
    after receiving a Ph.D. from Yale.
    But I am not satisfied with the plateau in progress toward equality, even
    regression, from 1980 to '92 and the very little momentum forward in the
    Clinton years due to the Republican domination of Congress. And the
    surviving judicial appointments from the 11980's. Sincerly, Anne Briscoe

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