Educational Assessment--SAT I

Date: Tue Mar 07 2000 - 15:31:51 EST

  • Next message: "Joan O. Dawson-Closing Statement"

    I was recently occasioned to read an article in a journal called "Academic
    Questions" entitled "Truth, Gender, and the SAT." This article seemed to
    indicate that SAT scoring mechanisms were skewed in favor of the female
    students. It reports how a special weighting was given to scores in
    language, in which females generally do better. However scores in
    mathematics, where males do better, were left alone. The result was an
    "equalization" that permitted more females to do better on SAT tests.

    It seems to me that if test scores are being "rigged," as it were, to favor
    one group, then this is a serious equity issue that must be addressed.
    Would any of the panelists like to comment on this finding? Let me give
    you the source of the article:

      Horn, Joseph. "Truth, Gender, and the SAT" Academic Questions, Winter

    Thanks in advance for the help!
    Amber V. DeWine

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