[EDEQUITY] Share Multicultural Curriculum

From: Joy.Wallace, (joywallace@home.com)
Date: Tue Jan 30 2001 - 14:46:42 EST

Forward from the weeapub@edc.org


If you have recently developed curriculum materials to meet the needs of a
culturally and linguistically diverse student population, why not share
your ideas with other educators? During the coming school year, NCBE will
be collecting curriculum resources to add to its online library. Submitted
materials should be approved for bilingual education, ESL and multicultural
programs in K-12 schools. Curricula for low-incidence language groups are
especially welcome. For more information, please contact:
Pat DiCerbo
Email: pdicerbo@ncbe.gwu.edu
Telephone: (202) 467-0867 x103

The equity@nici-mc2.org listserv provides a forum for sharing
information about issues, strategies and resources regarding
educational equity. The Equity Forum is sponsored by the
National Institute for Community Innovations (http://nici-mc2.org),
and is moderated by Joy Wallace (joy@col-ed.org).

To send a message to fellow Equity Forum members, please address
your message to: equity@nici-mc2.org.

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