[EDEQUITY Girls Dialogue]The Voices of Girls Concludes

From: Hilandia.Rendon, EdEquity Moderator (edequity-admin@phoenix.edc.org)
Date: Wed May 02 2001 - 17:18:50 EDT

Hello Everyone:

We are now officially ending this Dialogue on The Voices of Girls.
Many thanks to all the outstanding panelist who offered their time,
expertise, and perspectives to this challenging and rewarding topic. We
thank you, the members of EDEQUITY for your readership and your
attentatives to the comments of the girls.

Because so many important issues surfaced in this dialogue by May 11,
EdEquity will provide a short summary of the key points and strategies that
were mentioned by the panelists and audience. So stay with us for another

If you want to review this EdEquity Dialogue with the Experts or past
dialogues you can visit our URL:

The next Dialogue with the Experts is schedule for July on the topic of
technology,gender and education. So stay tune to this channel for updates
on this important issue.

We would also like to take this opportunity to ask you what you thought of
the Dialogue we have had so far and whether you found it useful. We also
welcome suggestions on how we can improve future Dialogues to better serve
your needs.

Please respond to the following questions and e-mail them back to the
EDEQUITY Administrator at Edequity-Admin@mail.edc.org by May 18,2001.

Again, thanks for your participation.

Hilandia Rendon
EDEQUITY Moderator

1. Do you generally participate in EDEQUITY discussions? How often?

2. Did you post a message in any of the Dialogues? Why or why not?

3. Did you face any barriers to participating in the Dialogues?

4. Are you using any of the information or strategies discussed in these
   Dialogues in your efforts to improve educational equity? If so, how?

5. Which Dialogue was most valuable to you? Why?

6. What suggestions do you have for improving these Dialogues?

7. What topics would you suggest for future Dialogues?

8. Do you have any other comments you would like to share about Dialogues
   or EDEQUITY discussions generally?

   Thank you!

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