[EDEQUITY]Reading Initiatives

From: Sabwestvir@aol.com
Date: Tue Aug 07 2001 - 15:46:26 EDT


An update on equity in reading activities this summer:

This summer has seen two new initiatives designed to address gender gaps in

reading. The first, the Village Foundations Give a Boy a Book Day (June
17th), was announced at a Washington, DC Press Conference.


Former Representative Patricia Schroeder was a supporter of the program at
the press conference, stating:

"We know statistically that there is a clear relationship between
and the current high rate of crime, poverty and school dropouts we are
experiencing. So strong is the link between literacy and being a useful
member of society, that some states use grade level reading statistics as a

factor in projecting future prison construction. Literacy proficiency
therefore is the all important gateway to the prevention of these terrible
issues that are plaguing our country.�

The second new initiative is from popular children's author Jon Scieszka.
The initiative "Guys Read" (http://www.guysread.com), focuses both on
individual and national efforts to address the large gender gaps in reading

and was formally announced at the International Reading Association
conference in May. As he states on the website:

"Something is not working for boys, but there is little to no direct
on gender and literacy, and not much in the way of support for boys�
literacy. There are literacy programs for adults, for students of English
a second language, for women, and for prison inmates. There are no literacy

programs for boys.

GUYS READ is, long overdue, a literacy program for boys."

This is also the first program that focuses on the need for political
involvement. He urges parents to "Make plenty of noise on a national level

to call attention to the question of boys� literacy."

Stephanie Barlow

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