[EDEQUITY] Parents Sue to Level High School Playing Fields

From: Linda Purrington (lpurring@earthlink.net)
Date: Fri Aug 24 2001 - 12:36:25 EDT

[Here is an excerpt from an update on the applicability of Title IX to
state athletic associations. Note that Title IX is a law that is much
wider than athletics--it should also be used to address the daily sexual
harassment and assault that goes on in schools. Linda Purrington, Title
IX Advocates, lpurring@earthlink.net]

Parents Sue to Level High School Playing Fields.... .
....In a 5-4 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in a case that on
the surface had nothing to do with women and gender equity. In 1977, the
private co-educational Brentwood Academy sued the Tennessee School
Secondary Athletic Association, alleging that the association's
recruiting rules violated constitutional protections of free speech and
assembly and equal protection of the laws. The athletic association
countered that it was a private organization and as such should not be
held to constitutional requirements of fairness. The Supreme Court
disagreed, calling it a "state actor" and ruled against the high school
athletic association.. . .
Jessica McRorie is a free-lance journalist in New York.
For more information:
Women's Sports Foundation: - http://www.womenssportsfoundation.org/
Supreme Court decision: - http://laws.findlaw.com/us/000/99-901.html
Detroit news: - http://detnews.com/highschools/index.htm
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review: - http://www.pittsburghlive.com/titleix/
Atlanta Journal and Constitution: - http://www.accessatlanta.com/ajc/

Linda Purrington

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