Sexual Harassment case at Brown

vera klinkowsky (
Tue, 07 Jul 1998 06:42:46 PDT

Doesn't this case sound like so many? Daphne Patai, professor of
women's studies at University of Massachusetts at Amherst, will show in
her book, Heterophobia, Sexual Harassment and the Future of Feminism,
coming out in October that these types of cases are very common.


The Brown University News Bureau

Distributed May 20, 1997
Contact: Mark Nickel

OCR complaint withdrawn
Parties in disciplinary case resolve disputes; OCR complaint
is withdrawn

A complaint before the Office of Civil Rights regarding a disciplinary
case at Brown has been withdrawn. The parties have resolved their
disputes privately and have asked OCR to take no further action in its

PROVIDENCE, R.I. -- A complaint that had been brought before the
Office of Civil Rights regarding a disciplinary case at Brown
University has been withdrawn, according to Jeffrey A. Newman, the
complainant's attorney. The complaint had charged that a decision
ast fall by the University Disciplinary Council not to hear a case of
alleged sexual misconduct had violated the Title IX rights of a female

In a statement delivered to the Office of Civil Rights on Friday, May 9,
1997, the complainant said:

A claim filed by me ... on behalf of my daughter ... is currently
pending before the Office of Civil Rights of the U.S. Department of
Education against Brown University. I am hereby, with the concurrence of
my daughter, withdrawing the complaint against Brown University and
requesting that OCR refrain from taking any further action on this
matter. All of the parties have decided to resolve this matter

The complainant has also withdrawn statements made regarding Professor
Martha Joukowsky's involvement in the case, as well as the role of
Artemis A. W. Joukowsky, chancellor of Brown University, who was vice
chancellor at the time of the complaint:

In addition to withdrawing the complaint against Brown University, we
are also withdrawing all statements made by us regarding the Joukowskys
(Martha and Artemis), which we believed to be true at the time. Those
statements were based on hearsay information and we do hereby withdraw
those statements and any inferences that may be made therefrom. We
acknowledge that we have no personal knowledge or information about the
statements concerning Martha Joukowsky
which were made in the course of the OCR review. We regret that such
statements, which were not based on independent evidence, may have been
inaccurate and/or created misimpressions. We further regret any negative
connotations such statements or questions may have raised regarding the
personal integrity of either of the Joukowskys or the professional work
of Professor Joukowsky. It was not our intention to do so.

The story was covered locally by the student newspaper The Brown Daily
Herald, by The Providence Phoenix and The Boston Phoenix and nationally
by the Chronicle of Higher Education, which disclosed the male student's
name based on information from anonymous "sources directly involved in
the case." John A. Tarantino, counsel to the male student, reported
earlier that all disputes between the two students had been resolved to
the mutual satisfaction of both parties. A statement released by
Tarantino on
Wednesday, May 7, 1997, said, in part:

The parties have been distressed by the sensational and inaccurate
portrayal of the relationship between these two students.
It is their hope that the announcement of this resolution will end the
exaggerated and inaccurate media accounts of what happened in their

In an effort to avoid any speculation as to the parties' motives or
incentives to reach an amicable resolution of their disputes, the
parties want to make it clear that no financial settlement was sought or
offered by any of the parties. Rather, both of the parties simply want
to put this matter behind them, to focus on their studies and to realize
the potential that each has for a successful and fulfilling career.

"The University is pleased that the parties have been able to resolve
their disputes privately and that the complaint has been withdrawn,"
said Laura Freid, executive vice president for external affairs.

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