School internet access survey released

From: Nicki Eatinger (
Date: Mon Mar 08 1999 - 08:48:29 EST

FYI - This was posted to our department this morning.


Hi everyone. The Dept of Education has just released its latest survey
of schools connected to the Internet. You can see the brief online at><color><param>0000,0000,FFFF

According to the survey, 89 percent of US schools
had some kind of connection to the Internet in 1998, up from 78% in 1997. This
number may be a little misleading because they don't qualify how or where that
Internet connection occurs - in other words, a single modem in the principal's
office would count the school as having a connection. A
more telling statistic is the percentage of instructional classrooms that
now have internet access: 51 percent, nearly double the 27% of classrooms
that were connected in 1997, and _17_ times the number of classroom that
were connected in 1994.

(see the following chart:


Nicki Eatinger
Coordinator - Project ENTER 573/882-3099
University of Missouri Fax 573/884-4112
202 London Hall Missouri only 1-800-392-7217
Columbia, MO 65211-2230

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