Re 3: More on Littleton

From: Linda Purrington (
Date: Tue May 04 1999 - 12:54:03 EDT

Here's a quote from that article that I find very significant:

"As a result of the "girls movement" that took off with the AAUW study and
publication of "Reviving Ophelia," Mary Pipher's highly popular 1994 book about
adolescent girls, Kleinfeld says, "we just went a little bit overboard with
attention to girls.""
This is what I find so disturbing in the so-called boys' movement in
education--the notion that somehow our society's attention to children
is so scarce that attention given to the less dominant groups is somehow
taken away from the dominant group. It is the rationale behind the
recent PBS show claiming that the gains made by women under Title IX are
somehow at the "expense" of anyone. Women's achievements are a
contribution to this society. And we have 25 cents on the dollar to go
before they are rewarded equally. It is the same rationale that makes
neo-Nazis so angry at the immigrant workers in Europe, for example.

        Linda Purrington
        Title IX Advocates

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