Re: School involvement

Date: Mon Aug 23 1999 - 18:41:39 EDT

not really a great deal of excuses not to become involved in their children's
educational development, one of the most interesting things was to hear
references made to how economically and intellectually priviliged'' I must be
to be able to to be fully involved in my daughter's education. Some of the
comments were not only silly and off the wall but hostile as well. One of them
even made reference to the fact that "I was ingnoring the equity issue'' which
was ironic since the ''equity issue'' is exactly the reason we became involved
in my daughter's education to begin
with. This person said that since I was in a ''priviliged position to be
involved I was ignoring the fact that other parents were not as priviliged
or economically well off to do the same and I should show more compassion''.

I wonder how much effort is required to spend a half an hour or less a day
asking one's child how school is, or perhaps show a little interest in the home
work being assigned, or to take one project the child is required to do and make
it more interesting by pointing out different approaches(give intellectual
stimulation)or to spend one hour every month at the library with your child
exploring anything related to anything that may interest the child or showing
your concern for her/his social environment at school (self esteem).

Also if most people are able and capable of going to a store and make a case for
returning a particular item, or if someone is able to verbalize dissatisfaction
with the function of a particular thing they purchased, then most parents are
capable of going to a teacher and expressing a concern. If they are shy or
insecure or are physically unable they can write a letter, if they do not speak
a language they CAN find a translator, so Iam still trying to figure out how
exactly does ''economics'' and belonging to a alien nationality figure in this
most relatively simple task of showing our children we are interested in what
they do, who they are, what they think and who they are becoming.

Iam still wondering what is so hard in letting your children's teachers know you
care. In communicating to them your interest in what is being taught in their
classrooms and in making it known that you share a close relationship with your
children and expect them to get the best education available. What seems so
difficult about this that some people become so defensive when the subject of
involved parents comes up? This is not about privilige. It is about common sense
and a litttle bit of really caring.

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