Re 9: Teacher says NO to less biased curriculum...

From: jmad (
Date: Mon Sep 27 1999 - 19:41:59 EDT

This is such a shock isn't it? The very thing we so desperately need, one
which should be a national, albiet, international VISION FOR EDUCATION and
what do we get?

Told to shut up.

All through school as children we are told to do our best and when we grow up
and discover to then share our best as educators (ie., equality, equity
between the genders and across all groups) we are belittled through domination
and then dismissed by principals etc. This is a disturbing reality in the
schools. One which seriously needs to be addressed.

Standard curriculums often dominate schools in such a way as to inhibit right
action in regards to the emotional health, equitable and holistic needs of
children. A lack of VISION in the schools towards these human value goals is
neglect. Neglect is unaccountability.

I don't know what all the channels, vehicles and resources are to help make
schools accountable. I sure wish they could own up to the VISION without
pressure. Quit with the superiority complex and go for the VISION. Ultimately
suits happen and schools often pay their way out of the hot seat. But what we
all really need is healthy communication in the first place.

For The Children,
Jean-Marie DeSpain, M.S.
Educatinal Ideals

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