Re 12: Teacher says NO to less biased curriculum...

Date: Tue Sep 28 1999 - 15:14:53 EDT

I know that taking her out of this class and puting into another will not
resolve much. I mentioned this as an alternative in case the teacher refuses to
undertand what is at stake here which I think is what will happen. In that case
we are prepared to request that she goes to another class. We wonder if the
school will allow this to get to this point considering that more likely if she
is moved everyone will hear of the reason...are they prepared to have this young
girl tell her classmates when they ask that she was taken out because ''Mr. C is
a sexist''?? I don't know.

Also we dont know if we should file an official complaint this time with the
Title9 coordinator although we are very insure of taking this step considering
that we don't have much of a legal basis for doing that correct?


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