RE: Re 4: School's athletics teams

Date: Thu Oct 07 1999 - 00:00:00 EDT


Get out of here and go to Princeton. By the time you get
back the school will have figured out that the information
is in every yearbook they have ever archived. You may need
a magnifying glass to get it, but it is there. If it isn't
there it is probably in the archives of the State Athletic
Association. If it isn't there it is probably available
under a state open, public, records law. (NOTE: It is
probably NOT available under the Freedom of Information Act
because that deals with federal agencies.) I will look
around for legal levers but you might not even need it
since, if they refuse, you probably have a somewhat prima
fascia case that they are hiding the information because
they know they are out of compliance. You do know there is
an unmet interest on the part of the underrepresented
gender because of the cuts in those who tried out for
sports for girls. Besides, I haven't yet written to the
director of the athletic department and demanded that she

Herb Dempsey

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