Question from Monira Hossain

Date: Mon Dec 06 1999 - 14:05:57 EST

I am a researcher currently engaged to measure gender sensitivity in the
teacher-education sciences curriculum run by SAARC distance learning

My main concern is how to measure gender sensitivity of distance run
curriculum where the target group is always under close supervision of
herfamily members and near and dear ones.

My question to Jaysree Mehta is what does she think of science curriculum
of school level wrt gender fairness?
Again to Jaysree : is there anything like summer camps for girls (science
group) in Indian secondary or primary schools?

Is this conference using the terms : gender equity, gender sensitivity,
gender fairness , gender free etc, if so then with what meanings?

I think in my research study I will try to focus on outreach to interest primary
and high school female students in science , math and tecnology majors through
raising positive attitude in the teaching techniques practised by male and
female science teachers 9 of course differently); is there any suggestion?

I am sorry to say that my e-mail address shown above is not the one with
which I logged into this e-mail conf. Because of sudden closure of the
university for three consecutive days I am using my home computer.

Monira Hossain of Monira Hossain of

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