[RA-Equity] GenderWise workshop

Thu, 2 May 1996 10:17:15 -0400

GenderWise III: Connecting Women With Mathematics
A Working Conference on the Mathematical Education of High School Girls
July 13-18, 1996 at SummerMath, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA

Over the past fourteen years, SummerMath has been educating high school
girls in an innovative mathematics learning community. Under grants from
NASA and the National Science Foundation, the process and materials of
the SummerMath program are being made available on a national basis
through GenderWise III. The goals are to:
- share what has been learned about what works for high school girls and why
- assist program developers in planning new mathematics programs for
young women
- promote the integration in existing programs of gender focused
approaches to mathematics learning
- widen the network of people committed to supporting the mathematical
education of young women

During the five day working conference, participants will:
1. experience an education process in mathematics that meets the needs
of high school girls, including a focus on pair and small group work.
2. interact, both in and out of the classroom, with a multiracial group
of female high school students from across the United States who are
being taught in this same innovative manner
3. explore ideas with a wide variety of educators
4. leave with a set of SummerMath curricular materials

The costs of instruction, materials, and room and board on campus are
covered for each participant by a grant from NASA. In addition, pending
final funding decisions, each participant may receive up to $400 in
travel coasts and a modest stipend. Each participant will receive a set
of mathematics curricular materials and accompanying teacher guide.

Who should attend? Pre-college and college level program developers,
teachers and administrators, who:
- are interested in developing mathematics programs for high school women
of all ability levels
- are connected with an existing program that is interested in improving
the mathematics education of young women
- are from a wide variety of educational settings, including museums,
summer programs, weekend programs, public and private schools
- serve a wide variety of students.
Teams of two people per site are encouraged to participate. College and
administrative level applicants are encouraged to apply with a secondary
school teacher.

For application materials and a SummerMath brochure contact Charlene
Morrow at 413-538-2608 or <cmorrow@mhc.mtholyoke.edu>. Review of
application began on April 10 and will continue until all slots are filled.

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