Diversity Book of the Month

Mon, 17 Aug 1998 16:22:44 EDT

The American Association of University Women (AAUW) has posted the '98-'99
book selections for ! Adlante. (diversity program) www.aauw.org then to
Getting Involved.

This is the second year for the book of the month program and anyone can
participate in the on-line discussion or use the discussion questions for
their own book group/class. (Please give recognition to AAUW as the source)

The St. Lawrence County (NYS) Branch has the instructions for subscribing to
the on line discussion AND the monthly discussion questions on their web page

Please pass this information on to others and I hope to see some familiar
ed/equity screen names in the on-line book of the month discussion.

Jane Sheeran
Saratoga Springs (NY) AAUW

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