Diversity Symposium Registration Information

Gae Broadwater (gbroadwater@gwmail.kysu.edu)
Wed, 20 Jan 1999 11:14:24 -0500

Through Diversity and Dialogue

symposium hosted by
The CES National Center for Diversity
Kentucky State University

June 3-5, 1999
The Galt House
Louisville, Kentucky

KAIROS - a moment in time bursting with opportunity!

Be part of the energy to--
* Learn tools and skills for addressing diversity issues through
  conversation and dialogue;
* Build stronger networks and communities for living and working in a
multicultural world;
* Gain new information on youth leadership and partnerships; and
* Increase understanding of universal human rights and social


-Nationally recognized speakers and facilitators
-Diversity marketplace and educational exhibits
-Poster sessions on best practices and research
-Dialogue sessions on topics of your choice
-Resource roundtables for in-depth learning
-Diversity celebration and secret buddy exchange


Loretta J. Ross, (accepted) is founder and Executive Director
of the Atlanta-based Center for Human Rights Education.
She is an expert on human rights, women's issues, diversity,
hate groups, and bias crimes. Ms. Ross is the former national
program research director for the Center for Democratic
Renewal and serves on the boards of directors for numerous
groups including Pacifica Radio Foundation, the Independent
Commission for Human Rights Education, and the Center for
Campus Organizing.

The Institute for Cultural Affairs, (accepted) is a not-for-profit
organization committed to the release of human potential in
individuals, organizations, and communities. The ICA has
developed and perfected methods that motivate people to
participate in creating their own futures. Eunice Shankland from
Fairfax, VA and Pam Garza of Tucson, AZ are experienced ICA
facilitators who will provide practical tools for promoting and
leading dialogue.

The S.T.A.R. Program - (accepted) Serious Teens Acting
Responsibility is a national collaborative network with 10,000
members and 87 affiliates in 12 states. Through real-life
experiences that focus on character building and understanding
diversity, youth and adults are empowered to create change in
their local communities. The S.T.A.R. program is based at the
1890 Extension Program at South Carolina State University.


Wednesday - June 2, 1999
6:30 - 8:30 p.m. *Early Check-in

Thursday - June 3, 1999
9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. *On-Site Registration & Check-in
                                   *Exhibitor & Vendor Set-up
1:00 - 4:30 p.m. *Opening Session
3:00 p.m. *Exhibit Hall Opening
6:00 - 9:00 p.m. *Welcoming Reception &
                                     Poster Session
9:00 - 11:00 p.m. *Youth Social

Friday - June 4, 1999
8:30 a.m. - 12:00 *Plenary Session-
                                  Decision, Dialogue, Diversity
12:00 - 1:30 p.m. *Luncheon Roundtables
                *Exhibit Hall
1:30 - 5:00 p.m. *Break-out Sessions-
                                   Taking Action with our Partners
6:30 - 9:00 p.m. *Diversity Celebration and
                   Secret Buddy Fun!

Bring a gift for your "secret buddy" to the Diversity Celebration.
Secret Buddies will be assigned when you arrive at the
registration table. The gift should be an inexpensive item that
represents your culture, your state, your organization, or any
other aspect that you choose.

Saturday - June 5, 1999
8:00 - 9:00 a.m. *Continental Breakfast and
                   Resource Roundtables
9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.*Break-out Sessions Continue
12:30 - 1:45 p.m. *Luncheon Roundtables
1:45 - 3:00 p.m. *Closing Session &Adjournment
                                      Walking Hand in Hand
                                      with the Spirit

Hotel reservations should be made by May 3, 1999, with The
Galt House, On the River at 4th Avenue, Louisville, KY 40202,
Phone: 1-800-626-1814.

The room rates are:
$89 single occupancy $109 triple occupancy
$99 double occupancy $119 quad occupancy

To receive this special symposium rate be sure to mention you
are with the CES National Center for Diversity when making your
reservation by telephone. Registrants are responsible for
making their own reservations.

The Galt House is conveniently located less than 15 minutes
from the airport. The hotel does not provide a shuttle service,
however, the "Yellow Cab" taxi service is available at the airport with fares
approximately $14.00.

Growing List of Co-Sponsors

Kentucky State University
Cooperative Extension Service

Kentucky Commission on Human Rights

Kentucky Department of Education
(Multi-cultural Affairs)

National Conference for Community and Justice
Bluegrass Region

National 4-H Council

S.T.A.R. Program
South Carolina State University

Toyota Motor Manufacturing, Inc.
Georgetown, KY

U.S. Department of Agriculture-CSREES-
Families, 4-H, and Nutrition

Detach and copy as needed-please use one form per registrant.
Symposium Registration Form

Name as you want it to appear on nametag: ____________________________________

Title: ________________________________

Organization/Agency/School: ___________________________________________________

Mailing Address: _________________________________________
City: _________________ State: _________ Zip:____________

Daytime Phone: ____________________________________________
Fax: __________________ Email: _______________________

Special needs-Accommodations/Meals/Other:

Symposium registration fee includes all materials, a reception,
two lunches, one continental breakfast, and one dinner. Please
indicate below the type of registration needed:
_____Adult Full Registration _____Youth Full Registration
_____Adult Daily Registration _____Youth Daily Registration

For daily registration please indicate which days:
___Thursday ___Friday ___Saturday

Guest Ticket _____Lunch_____Dinner

Our Federal ID# is 61-1099712
Method of Payment: ________Check______Money Order _________Purchase Order

Total Amount Enclosed $_________________

Registrant's Signature_______________________________Date________

Check (X) here ______If you will participate in the Secret
Buddy Exchange.

No Credit Cards will be accepted!!

Please make all checks payable to: Kentucky State University
CES National Center for Diversity and mail to:
The CES National Center for Diversity, Kentucky State University, Campus Box
196, Frankfort, KY 40601.

A $50.00 processing fee will be charged for cancellations until
May 7, 1999, after that date no refunds will be given.
Registrations received by May 7, 1999 will receive a confirmation letter and a
map to The Galt House.

In order to plan ahead for the Resource Roundtables, please let
us know what diversity topics you have a particular interest in
discussing with others at the symposium. We will try to
accommodate as many requests as space and time

Symposium Registration Fees

                                  Early Late
                                After May 7, 1999

Adult $275.00 $325.00
Youth (Age 18 & $125.00 $165.00

Adult Daily Rate:
Thursday, June 3 $ 90.00 $120.00
Friday, June 4 $115.00 $145.00
Saturday, June 5 $ 75.00 $ 95.00

Youth Daily Rate:
Thursday, June 3 $ 50.00 $ 70.00
Friday, June 4 $ 70.00 $ 90.00
Saturday, June 5 $ 35.00 $ 50.00

Guest Lunch Ticket: $ 20.00
Guest Dinner Ticket: $ 35.00
Guest Reception Ticket: $ 20.00

The Cooperative Extension System is an Equal Opportunity
Organization authorized to provide research based educational
information and other services only to individuals and institutions
that function without regard to race, color, national origin, sex,
religion, age, disability, political beliefs, and marital status.

Forwarded by edequity-admin@mail.edc.org

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