Re: Ed. brainstorming - Eye on the Prize

Elizabeth Homer (
Mon, 08 Jun 1998 19:35:06 -0500

I agree with Donna. Sex discrimination, bias and stereotyping
have hurt both men and women in very destructive ways. When I do
public speaking on this subject I often suggest that women have been
most harmed economically and men have been most harmed
psychologically. I know it isn't really be that simple, but it helps
people to think about it that way and see whether current issues,
events and facts agree or depart from this supposition.
In the case of Title IX, we are dealing with sex discrimination
which was well documented when the law was written as effecting
females, but the larger issues of sex bias and stereotyping are also
at work - in schools, as well as at home and at work, and affect us
Moving from this point, it is my deepest hope that the
elimination of sex discrimination against females in education will
also improve the educational climate for males. I think although we
do not like to hear the anger of some men who now realize they have
suffered as a group from sex bias and sex stereotyping, we can take
joy in the fact that more and more men are beginning to realize this
is so. Their individual personalities will determine whether they use
their anger to create or to destroy.
This is our opportunity. This is the time to keep one's eye on
the prize. Our goal is partnership - at home, at school, at work. All
else in terms of policy and practice follows. Don't ever forget it.
(Yes, I often begin my speeches and end them by reminding people of
the goal.)


Donna Woodka wrote:
> On Tue, 2 Jun 1998, Marty Henry wrote:
> > It's not men or women who are messed up, but the
> > system we work under.
> Bingo! What steps need to be taken to make the workplace/classroom/school
> sports work better for *everyone*? That is the question to look at, not
> bicker over who has what advantage. If we have ideas to make things work
> better, let's discuss those, and work together to make them happen.

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