AACC/DOL Workforce Dev. Awards

Wed, 9 Dec 1998 10:37:49 -0500

DRAFT - Public Information for Release
November 19, 1998

1999 AACC/DOL Workforce Development Awards Available for Exemplary Programs

Exemplary workforce development programs provided by, or with, community
colleges can compete for an award offered jointly by the U.S. Department of
Labor (DOL) and the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC).
Winners in the four categories will each receive $10,000 and be honored at
the 1999 AACC Convention in April in Nashville, Tennessee. Applications
are due December 23, 1998.

This is the third year in which the Labor Department and AACC are offering
the Workforce Development Awards. This year*s awards build on priorities
in the new Workforce Investment Act (signed into law last August) and thus
place additional emphasis on individual empowerment, partnership and

The four award categories reflect continued concern with creating a
one-stop system in which high quality education, training and transition
services empower individuals to find rewarding and sustained careers.
Similar to the 1998 awards, the categories are: 1) One-Stop Career Center
Services/America's Job Bank (AJB) Implementation; 2) Dislocated Worker
Services; 3) Welfare-to-Work Services; and 4) Career Pathways for At-Risk
and Special Needs Youth.

The AACC/DOL Awards are designed to inspire higher levels of effective and
affordable workforce services in community colleges and to promote
community college links with the emerging workforce investment system,
among other partners. AACC and DOL will also use the Awards to identify
and publicize innovative ideas, model programs and exemplary practices
that can be adopted by community colleges and other providers.

To receive copies of applications for the 1999 Workforce Development Award,
contact Marjorie Bynum at AACC (phone: (202) 728-0200 x 228 or e-mail:
mbynum@aacc.nche.edu) for hard copies, or check either AACC*s or ETA*s
websites at www.aacc.nche.edu or www.doleta.gov for electronic versions.

Last year*s winners included: the Monfort English-as-a-Second Language
Center at Des Moines Area Community College in the dislocated worker
category; the Advanced Technology Program at Oakland Community College in
Pontiac Michigan for the welfare-to-work category; the *Career Journey"
program at John A. Logan College in Carterville, Illinois for the youth
category; and the Racine Workforce Development Center at Gateway Technical
College in Racine, Wisconsin for the one-stop/AJB implementation category.

Attention: An original copy of the application is being sent to each
region. As noted in the preceding message, additional copies may also be
obtained on the internet. We would ask that this information be shared
throughout the State and Local training communities.

Forwarded by Susan Carter

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