Re: Equalizing Advantage

Date: Tue Feb 22 2000 - 14:21:54 EST

I am a bit amazed about why you might want to engage in conversation
with people you seem to think are suspect.Was joining this group some sort
of class assignment?
The questions you ask are very complex and there are NO simple answers. For
example, while it is true that women's enrollment in college is slightly
higher than that of males, women dominated professions are still nursing
and elementary school teaching. Both professions, particularly the latter,
do not offer competitive salaries. In fact in my area of the country, a
beginning teacher with 2 children is eligible for support from Head Start
and WIC. College degrees do not nec. mean higher salary. That is just one
example of the how the assumptions that seem to be driving your inquiry are
a bit myopic.

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