Re: Kathleen Rigsby-Opening Statement

Date: Thu Mar 02 2000 - 09:42:10 EST


My colleague Jean Whitcomb offers the following answer to your question
based on what we are seeing in Wisconsin:

She can compare male vs. female performance in each of the five subject
areas by going to

and clicking on the subject area of interest.

Generally, females are doing better than males in reading and language
arts and males are doing better than females in science. The gap seems to
get wider as you look across the grade levels.

Not sure how surprising this is, but it does seem like something we should
be monitoring.

>>> Timothy Boals 03/01 4:29 PM >>>
Have we (DPI) noticed any interesting trends recently when comparing scores
of males vs. females on WKCE?

Tim Boals

In reply to:
>>> What have you found particularly about the impact of gender in these
state assessements or "high stakes" testing in general? Anything
surprising or unexpected? Is it a factor that states are even keeping
track of? >>>

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