Improving America's Schools Conferences

Date: Fri Aug 18 2000 - 16:39:24 EDT

Dear Equity Colleagues,

The letter below reminds us that it's almost time for the Improving
America's Schools conferences.  This year the WEEA Equity Resource Center
and the Equity Assistance Centers are sponsoring a day-long equity
institute at the IAS conferences.Held on the second day of each conference
the institute will provide educators with information and tools to assess
the needs and identify resources and strategies required to ensure
educational equity and excellence for all students.  The morning begins
with a keynote and discussion that looks at the use of disaggregated data
as a tool for building support for equitable education. The brown bag lunch
is an opportunity to view films and videos.  In the afternoon teachers and
administrators from schools that have succeeded in increasing student
achievement for all students--the challenges they faced, the strategies
they used, and what they see as the future challenges.  EAC staff and WEEA
Center staff will be available at the end of the session for individual
consultation. And a comprehensive packet of materials will be provided at
the end of the day.  We hope you'll attend this special session.  For more
information on the conferences check the conference website

If you'd like to set up a meeting with our representative, contact them

Sacramento - Susan Smith <>

Louisville and Washington, DC - Sundra Flansburg <>

We will also have an exhibit table so you can view our materials. We hope
you enjoy the conferences and find them helpful.

Katherine Hanson

Director, Gender and Diversities Institute at EDC

Dear Education Colleagues,

I am sending you this message as the new national chairperson of the U.S.
Department of Education's 7th Annual Improving America's Schools
Conferences.  With the start of the 2000/01 school year, all of us here at
the U.S. Department of Education are getting ready for another exciting and
meaningful series of conferences. The planning committees for each of the
three conferences have been hard at work since January putting together the
most comprehensive and ambitious conference program yet.  We will be in
Sacramento, California September 18-20, in Louisville, Kentucky October 2-4
and Washington, D.C. December 13-15.

For further details and continuing updates, I encourage you to regularly
check out the conference web site at

And if you haven't already done so, I suggest that you take care of your
hotel and conference registration as soon as possible.  You can get
registration information at 1-800-203-5494.

We certainly look forward to seeing and working with you at one of our
conferences this fall.

Patty Hobbs

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