Fwd: Title IX / Alexandra Lohse

Sheeran176 (Sheeran176@aol.com)
Mon, 25 May 1998 11:12:34 EDT

Am forwarding Alexandra's response to update everyone on the status of their
efforts. As you may recall, she is in NJ. If you wish to offer help please
correspond with her directly.

I always have a heavy heart when the dreams of our children hit reality
especially when reality is inaccurately perceived as Title IX has been in
assessing this districts compliance with the law.

Jane Sheeran'
NYS AAUW Ed/Equity Director

Unfortunately, our school budget was soundly defeated this past April, and,
despite all our efforts, the Town council cut an additional $485,000 from
an already bare-bones school budget. We were informed last week that there
would be no money allocated to a new sport when other existing sports and
co-curricular programs were facing cuts. We have raised over $1600 of the
needed $5,000 which might be used to start a club volleyball team. We are
really disappointed at the turn of events, especially after all our hard
work. The sports structure at our school made it hard to pursue Title IX,
because they considered cheerleading a girls' sport even though there are
only eight girls on the squad in fall and winter. Wish we had better news
to send, but thanks for all your interest and information.

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