Title VI and other topics

Gae Broadwater (gbroadwater@gwmail.kysu.edu)
Tue, 01 Dec 1998 13:58:42 -0500

Does anyone know of other discussion lists that handle Title VI
issues (race, color, national origin) in the same manner that
Title IX is covered on this list?

If you are open to that type of equity question I am seeking
references/resources on steps schools can take toward
creating an inclusive, welcoming, non-hostile environment.
I do have some resources but want to be sure I'm not missing
something that others find helpful. I will be meeting with a
school system next week that is responding to a parent
complaint and they are in the process of formulating their
response and corrective strategies.

Any advice, suggestions, and guidance will be most appreicated!


Gae Broadwater
CES National Center for Diversity
Kentucky State University Box 196
Frankfort, KY 40601
phone: 502-227-5904
fax: 502-227-5933

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