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Project Business

What, where & when about end of cycle products

At the end of each cycle of lesson study, each team will prepare a report that allows them to reflect on and summarize their work in a meaningful way. Each team submits one report, but the whole team will collaborate in preparing it. Reports are a required element for the stipend.

The fall cycle report is due December 10, 2004 and the spring cycle report is due April 30, 2005.

Note: It is common in Japan for lesson study teams to publish their ideas and research findings in the form of a lesson study report. Some of these reports are then made available to teachers all over Japan, forming a wonderful resource for the profession and a way for teachers to share what they have learned. Teachers often go to bookstores and buy published lesson study reports when they are beginning work on a new research lesson. In the United States, lesson study is still new, and finding lesson reports in a bookstore is not yet an option. For now, we hope to make many of your reports available to other teachers via our website, thereby beginning to build a similar shared knowledge base of research lessons in the U.S.

The report will include:

- Background information on the students and the unit
   (format for background information: pdf version; word version)
- The instructional plan for the research lesson.
   (format for instructional plan: pdf version; word version)
- The rationale for the research lesson.
- Reflections on the research lesson: some questions about the cycle will be for individual written reflection, and some for the team to discuss and respond to together.
   (reflection questions for spring cycle 2004)

Also to be submitted at the end of the cycle for project funding purposes:
- Meeting log or notes from each team meeting.

Planning ahead:
We encourage teams to read the lesson plan format and reflection questions before they begin. Then, as you go through the cycle, you can collect things along the way that you might need at the end.

In addition to keeping your meeting logs, it might also be helpful to:
- Save early drafts of the lesson plan, noting major changes you made and why.
- Keep some individual notes or a journal containing ideas, questions, or reflections that you have during the cycle.
- Plan to spend some time discussing the reflection questions during your meetings as the cycle nears its end.

Education Development Center, Inc. Lesson Study Resources | Math Resources | Project Business | About the Project

For project information contact: Jane Gorman (jgorman@edc.org), EDC, 55 Chapel Street, Newton MA 02458 (617-969-7100)
If you have technical difficulties contact: Johannah Nikula (jnikula@edc.org)

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