We are excited to announce that our Strengthening Mathematics Intervention project has developed two new guides! For the past six years, we have studied the ways in which schools provide support to students struggling with math in the middle grades. To find out how U.S. schools implement math intervention classes, the project conducted classroom observations, interviewed teachers and math leaders, and conducted a national survey. Building on these findings, we created professional development (PD) courses specifically for teachers of math intervention classes. We also facilitated Forums on Mathematics Intervention for district teams of administrators, math leaders, math coaches, and intervention teachers. Drawing on this intensive work, we have written two guides: one for leaders and one for math intervention teachers, coaches, and specialists to share information, suggestions, guiding questions, and resources for implementing math intervention classes in the middle grades.
This guide was designed to support math leaders and other school/district leaders in implementing math intervention classes, whether you're just getting started or already leading an established program. The sections address key intervention class structures and practices, including setting goals, identifying students, scheduling, class size, and staffing. The guide is filled with information, guiding questions, and suggestions for implementing successful intervention classes in the middle grades.
This guide was designed to support teachers of math intervention and math coaches/specialists, whether you're just getting started or have years of experience teaching intervention. It focuses on effective instructional practices for supporting students who struggle with mathematics. The guide provides pertinent information, suggestions, examples, and resources for teaching math intervention classes in the middle grades.
©2003-2022 Education Development Center, Inc. All rights reserved.
This project is supported by the National Science Foundation Grant No. 1621294. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the Foundation.