These problems all involve picking an integer (or a pair of integers) at random and
seeing if it meets a given criterion. Dealing with probability in the integers is hard to
think about, because the integers form an infinite set. Well, one way to deal with this
is to pick a number at random between 1 and some big number n and see how often
it meets the criterion.
Perfect Squares
For perfect squares, you can do a direct estimate. For example, how
many perfect squares are there between 1 and 10041? Well, every perfect square in
this range is the square of an integer between 1 and
100. And,
if you pick a number between 1 and 100 and square it, you get a perfect
square between 1 and 10041. So, there are 100 perfect squares between 1 and
10041. So, the probability of a number less than 10041 being a perfect square

this reasoning with 10041 replaced by
n. Then let

Now, for the primality problem, making this estimate is quite hard. But
one way to get a feel for the problem is to try a simulation. For example, you could
perform a number of trials. In each trial, you can pick a number at random
between, say, 1 and 10041. If its prime, count it as good. Otherwise, dont count it
at all. Do this, say, 1000 times. A good estimate for the probability of a
number less than 10041 being prime is the number of good trials divided by
Of course, youll need a computer or calculator for this. Mathematica is especially
convenient, because it has a prime-tester PrimeQ built in (actually, all you can
conclude if PrimeQ[n] returns True is that theres a very high probability that n is
prime). You can use this to write a function that returns 1 if its input is prime and 0
if it isnt. Then you can sum this function between 1 and n to get the number of
primes less than or equal to n.