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Probabilistic Number Theory Project Description Prerequisites Warm up Problems Hints Resources Teaching Notes Extension Problems Results

Teaching Notes for the
Probabilistic Number Theory Problem

If you want to carry it to completion, this project will require a fair amount of teaching. Think of it in five phases:

  1. Introduction: what are the problems asking?
  2. Perfect squares: a complete solution.
  3. Empirical investigations: running simulations.
  4. Mathematizing: translating to infinite products and sums.
  5. Analysis: evaluating the products and sums.

Students can get a good research experience by carrying out the first three items; the last two are rather advanced and will stretch your best students. In addition, some students will want to take a detour to look at things like the fundamental theorem of arithmetic--the fact that every integer can be factored in essentially one way into a product of primes. This is discussed on The Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic.

So, there are many ways to do this. Here’s just one possibility.

Phase 1.

What does probability look like in infinite sample spaces? Discuss the difference between “probability 0” and “impossible” (see Results). Work through some “dartboard” examples of geometric probability. This could take two or three classes. Then work through the Warm Up Problems. That will take another class. It’s really important at this stage to get students talking and writing about their thinking so you can catch the subtle (and inevitable) misconceptions that develop. For example, get them to explain their intuition about the probability of getting “3” on a random pick of integers. Why is this different from “getting 3 if the pick is restricted to the integers between 1 and 100?”

Expect unusual and clever ideas. One (very advanced) student argued that the probability of picking the integer n should be 12n-. She had two reasons why this was a good choice:

  • The sum of the probabilities over all the integers is 1.
  • If someone asks you to pick a number at random, you’re more likely to pick a small number than a very large one, so probability should decrease with size.

Her model led to some very strange consequences.

Phase 2.

Work through the perfect square probability. Ask students to come up with a formula for the number of perfect squares between 1 and n (see Results). After students have ideas that are general in principle, you may have to introduce the greatest integer function and talk a bit about limits. Estimate three classes for this.

Phase 3.

Build and run a simulation. This could take anywhere from a couple days to a couple weeks, depending on how facile your students are with the relevant technology. Try to build the simulation so that the “test” is modular--that is, the same simulation should estimate the probability that an integer is prime or square, just by changing the tester. This is an especially nice project for a computer science class.

If you are using Mathematica, a crude start on a program that lists the primes in a given range goes something like this:
 g[n_] := If[PrimeQ[n] == True,1,0]*n
This models a function g defined by

g(n) =  n    if n is prime
        0    if n is not prime
Then define f that maps g over the integers from 1 to m:
 f[m_] := Map[ g,Range[m]]
So, for example, f(100) outputs a list of 100 numbers that contains all the primes between 1 and 100 (and some zeros).

Phase 4.

Here’s where more direct teaching begins. Building on the Warm Up Problems, you’d like students to reason that the probability that a number between 1 and 100 is prime is
(    1)(    1 )(    1)(     1)
 1-  2   1- 3    1- 5   1 - 7
This is because a composite number between 1 and 100 has a prime factor between 1 and  V~ --
 100. So, a number between 1 and 100 is prime if and only of it is not divisible by 2, 3, 5, or 7. And you’d like things to generalize from here.

You can expect things like this:

The number of integers not divisible by 2 is half the total. The number not divisible by three is 23 of the total. The number not divisible by four is 34 of the total. The number not divisible by five is 45 of the total. Primes aren’t divisible by any numbers (apart from one and themselves of course). Maybe there’d be a way to work out the proportion of primes through the above? I’m going to have a longer think about that...

A brilliant (but incorrect) idea. But it’s the germ of exactly the right idea, and you’ll have to find a way to tease out the subtle mistake (the 34). What’s worse is that this brilliant mistake is more than likely not the one that will happen with your students. Think about several classes (maybe a week) to get this solid, and beware that, even then, it won’t be solid for some students.

The point here is to get students comfortable with writing down a mathematical expression that, if evaluated, would give the right probability. So, this phase is as much about building confidence in the technique as it is about developing skill at the technique. For example, the problem above (pick a prime less than 100) can be “checked” in a couple ways: Have one group of students evaluate the product and another count the primes between 1 and 100. Then try the same experiment (using a CAS) with a sample space of 1-500. When you get to the infinite product, you have a real laboratory for experimentation.

You might ask students to compare

the-number-of primes-up-to n-
           (     )
     prod           1
         V~ - 1 - p
primes up to n
for some values of n between 1 and 1000. This “product notation” is similar to summation notation. For example,
      prod       (     )        prod      (     )   (     )(      )(      )(      )
              1 - 1  =             1-  1  =  1 - 1   1 - 1   1-  1   1- 1   = -8  ~~  .22857
primes up to V~ 100  p    primes up to 10  p         2       3       5      7     35
Here’s a table of the first 168 primes (the primes up to 1000). It was generated in Mathematica by the command

TableForm[Table[ {n,Prime[n]},{n,1,168}]]


n the nth prime

1 2

2 3

3 5

4 7

5 11

6 13

7 17

8 19

9 23

10 29

11 31

12 37

13 41

14 43

15 47

16 53

17 59

18 61

19 67

20 71

21 73

22 79

23 83

24 89

25 97

26 101

27 103

28 107

29 109

30 113

31 127

32 131

33 137

34 139

35 149

36 151

37 157

38 163

39 167

40 173

41 179

42 181

n the nth prime

43 191

44 193

45 197

46 199

47 211

48 223

49 227

50 229

51 233

52 239

53 241

54 251

55 257

56 263

57 269

58 271

59 277

60 281

61 283

62 293

63 307

64 311

65 313

66 317

67 331

68 337

69 347

70 349

71 353

72 359

73 367

74 373

75 379

76 383

77 389

78 397

79 401

80 409

81 419

82 421

83 431

84 433

n the nth prime

85 439

86 443

87 449

88 457

89 461

90 463

91 467

92 479

93 487

94 491

95 499

96 503

97 509

98 521

99 523

100 541

101 547

102 557

103 563

104 569

105 571

106 577

107 587

108 593

109 599

110 601

111 607

112 613

113 617

114 619

115 631

116 641

117 643

118 647

119 653

120 659

121 661

122 673

123 677

124 683

125 691

126 701

n the nth prime

127 709

128 719

129 727

130 733

131 739

132 743

133 751

134 757

135 761

136 769

137 773

138 787

139 797

140 809

141 811

142 821

143 823

144 827

145 829

146 839

147 853

148 857

149 859

150 863

151 877

152 881

153 883

154 887

155 907

156 911

157 919

158 929

159 937

160 941

161 947

162 953

163 967

164 971

165 977

166 983

167 991

168 997

Phase 5.

You’re looking at a month or two for this, maybe longer. Study the Results and you’ll see that there’s some very difficult material here. We’ve found it best to move around--introduce something new, then go back and reinforce something from the earlier phases. Paul Goldenberg (a member of the Making Mathematics team) distinguishes between the “clock time” and “calendar time” it takes to understand something. This takes calendar time--slow but steady hammering at the ideas, every day adding a little new territory while and making more permanent structures on what has already been settled.

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