PBS Programming on Gender Equity

From: SSmith (SSmith@edc.org)
Date: Tue Apr 13 1999 - 17:23:57 EDT

PBS is broadcasting a series of programs that questions the progresses
made under Title IX and other anti-sex discrimination laws. The first
program, "The War on Boys," was broadcast on 4/9/99. According to PBS's
web site, the program "examine[d] equality in the workplace and in
education. . . and whether the advancement of women in virtually all
areas of society can be achieved without a retreat, in some way, on men."

The next installment, "Politics and Warriors: Women in the Military,"
will air on Friday, 4/16/99 at 9 pm. Host and reporter Laura Ingraham
[of the Independent Women's Forum] will provide "some surprising views
of the effect that the increased numbers and growing presence of women
in the military is having on their male counterparts, on the military
culture as a whole, and on the nation's military readiness."

The final program is "Title IX and Women in Sports: What's Wrong with
this Picture?" As you can tell by the title, this segment attacks Title
IX, characterizing it as "the proverbial political hot potato." It
features interviews with "coaches, athletes, educators, federal
officials, civil rights activists and others to find out what seems to
have gone wrong and how to fix it." This program airs on 4/23/99 at 9

Susan J. Smith

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